Roadwork on the bridge – August 21st to 28th, 2017
We wish to inform you that repairs will be made to the road network from 21 August to 30 August, 2017. This asphalting work will take place evenings and nights during the week, from 8 pm to 5:30 am, in both directions. Work will also be done during the day, on the week end of 26 and 27 August, from 7 am to 9 pm.
Certain ramps, in particular Roger-Lortie and Levesque, will sometimes be closed for short periods of time. When this occurs, the closings will be posted on the network display panels.
Plans for traffic management will be in place in order to reduce the impact of this work on user movement. Signs will be posted on highway A25 near the work area. We ask motorists to be prudent and respect the signs and speed limits in the work area for your own safety, that of the workers, and others using the highway.